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Peterson Stroboplus Hd

Tuners and Metronomes

Peterson Stroboplus Hd



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Peterson Stroboplus Hd

Power Supply: USB Wall Charger (Not Inc.)

Note Range: C0 - A#8

Note Selection: Automatic Or Manual

DI: No

Firmware Updateable: Yes

Peterson Connect Compatible: Yes

Form Factor: Desktop / Benchtop

Accuracy: 0.1 Cents

Display Type: LCD

Display Resolution: 512 Segments ( 256 per row )

Construction: ABS Plastic

Product Dimensions LxWxH: 5.5" x 4.25" x 1.5"

Product Weight: 0.66 lbs

USB Port: Yes

USB Type: Micro

Rechargeable: Yes

Battery Type: Lithium Ion (Included)

Power: AC ( USB ) 5V 500 mA

Built-In Microphone: Yes

Built-In Speaker: Yes

Volume Control: Yes

Headphone Jack: Yes

Metronome: Optional Upgrade

Inputs: 1/4" Mono

Outputs: 1/4" Mono (thru), 3.5mm Headphone, Vibe Clip

Mute-able Output: No

Tone Generator: Yes (C1 - G9)

Concert A Range: 390Hz to 490Hz

Global Cent Offset Range: +/- 50 cents

Transposition Range: -6 to +5

Frequency Response Range: 16.35Hz - 7302Hz

Sweetened Tunings: 92

User Presets: 10 Locations

Historic Temperaments: Yes

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