Peterson Stroboplus Hd


Peterson Stroboplus Hd



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The Peterson StroboPlus HD (SP-1) is THE premier desktop digital tuner on the market! Equally as comfortable on a tech’s workbench as it is in a player’s guitar case, this tuner, with all of its features, is no exception to Peterson’s reputation for being THE most accurate in the industry — don’t let its demure palm size fool you! Players of both acoustic and electric instruments can rest assured— a built-in electret condenser microphone and ¼” input jack provide excellent connectivity. Gone are the days of having to carry extra batteries and tripping over power cables during a performance! This tuner is rechargeable via computer bus or outlet power, and its large, circular screen is easily viewed in both the darkest and brightest environmental conditions.

Features such as Auto Off, easy menu navigation, tripod mounting capability, over 90 of our Sweetened Tunings, tone generation ability via built in speaker, and a headphone output jack round out the package. Finally, future-proof updating and parameter editing is made possible by the tuner’s unobtrusive side-mounted USB jack. And for those feeling exceptionally adventurous, this tuner can be upgraded to also feature our super flexible Body Beat metronome option, along with both audible AND tactile mode operation. Hear the beat or feel it…the power is in your hands. This tuner is fit for the most discerning of players and technicians for sure!

Power Supply: USB Wall Charger (Not Inc.)

Note Range: C0 - A#8

Note Selection: Automatic Or Manual

DI: No

Firmware Updateable: Yes

Peterson Connect Compatible: Yes

Form Factor: Desktop / Benchtop

Accuracy: 0.1 Cents

Display Type: LCD

Display Resolution: 512 Segments ( 256 per row )

Construction: ABS Plastic

Product Dimensions LxWxH: 5.5" x 4.25" x 1.5"

Product Weight: 0.66 lbs

USB Port: Yes

USB Type: Micro

Rechargeable: Yes

Battery Type: Lithium Ion (Included)

Power: AC ( USB ) 5V 500 mA

Built-In Microphone: Yes

Built-In Speaker: Yes

Volume Control: Yes

Headphone Jack: Yes

Metronome: Optional Upgrade

Inputs: 1/4" Mono

Outputs: 1/4" Mono (thru), 3.5mm Headphone, Vibe Clip

Mute-able Output: No

Tone Generator: Yes (C1 - G9)

Concert A Range: 390Hz to 490Hz

Global Cent Offset Range: +/- 50 cents

Transposition Range: -6 to +5

Frequency Response Range: 16.35Hz - 7302Hz

Sweetened Tunings: 92

User Presets: 10 Locations

Historic Temperaments: Yes

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE