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4-String Electric Basses

Yamaha Trbx504 Electric Bass Tranlucid White



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Yamaha Trbx504 Electric Bass Tranlucid White

Yamaha proudly intro­duces the all new TRBX174, 300 and TRBX 500 Series bass gui­tars. These rev­o­lu­tion­ary new instru­ments are built to deliver the ulti­mate in tone, ver­sa­til­ity and value. TRBX fea­tures new and unique player-friendly tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions cre­ated through exten­sive col­lab­o­ra­tions between lead­ing bass play­ers and Yamaha’s tech­ni­cians and craftsmen.TRBX174 pro­vides begin­ners with a high-quality bass with great ver­sa­til­ity, and Yamaha’s leg­endary qual­ity. Both 300 and 500 series mod­els fea­ture brand new EQ devel­op­ments and the TRBX300 boasts a new fea­ture unique to Yamaha; a 5-style selec­tor option which allows play­ers to quickly set the gui­tar to the required play­ing style. The five options are Slap, Pick, Flat, Fin­ger and Solo. This inno­va­tion will prove invalu­able for play­ers need­ing to switch between styles and sounds on the fly. Qual­ity and ver­sa­til­ity of EQ form the foun­da­tion on which these remark­able instru­ments were built. Unlike most bass gui­tars in the price range, the TRBX500 fea­tures 3-band active or pas­sive EQ options. Inge­niously and cru­cially, Yamaha have devel­oped a method of allow­ing the play­ers to switch between active and pas­sive modes whilst main­tain­ing a con­stant out­put level. Adding to the sound­scape options, the TRBX500 also boasts a Dual Coil pickup design which pro­duces clear cut, highly detailed and punchy sound. Both mod­els fea­ture a tough and durable, yet slim­line 5-piece neck which sig­nif­i­cantly adds to the play­ing experience.

Body: Mahogany

Neck: 5-Piece maple / mahogany, bolt-on

Fretboard: Rosewood (Dalbergia Latifolia)

Scale: 864 mm (long scale)

24 Frets

Nut width: 38 mm

Pickups: 2x Yamaha Alnico humbucker

3-Band electronics with knobs for volume, balance, bass, mids and treble

Active / Passive switch

Black chrome Yamaha hardware

Colour: Transluscent White

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