Korg Haedtune Ht-B1 Tuner For Bass

Tuners and Metronomes

Korg Haedtune Ht-B1 Tuner For Bass

Cod: C1280280536


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Korg Haedtune Ht-B1 Tuner For Bass

The Headtune is a clip-on tuner with a unique design that’s based on the shape of a guitar, bass, or ukulele headstock. With the Headtune attached to the headstock of your instrument, play a single note on the string that you want to tune. Two indicators will illuminate: the string indicator LED will show the peg position, and the LED meter will indicate the tuning of that note. This makes it obvious which peg needs to be adjusted. You can choose from a lineup consisting of four models: two models that are suitable for standard guitar headstocks, a model for bass, and a model for ukulele. With the innovation and precision you expect from Korg, the Headtune makes tuning easy

Accordatore Clip-on sagomato sulla forma della paletta dello strumento.

Nuovo design compatto, leggero non invasivo.

Ampio angolo di visualizzazione e LED di luminosità eccellente.

Clip stabile che fissa saldamente l'accordatore alla paletta.

La funzione di spegnimento automatico Auto Power-Off, ottimizza la durata della batteria.

No downloadable documents available. For more information, contact us at info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE