Other Size Monitors, Midfield and Sub

Ik Multimedia Iloud Precision 5 135W

Cod: 2243243K11008


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La serie iLoud Precision rappresenta un'altra svolta nel campo dei monitor da studio da parte dell'azienda che ha

rivoluzionato il mondo dei nearfield compatti con gli incredibili iLoud Micro e iLoud MTM. Disponibili in tre diverse

configurazioni - 2-vie 5" o 6.5", e 2 x 5" MTM – vere e proprie opere d’arte sonora che riflettono i 25 anni di

esperienza di IK nella progettazione di altoparlanti e nell'elaborazione del segnale digitale, offrendo un livello di

dettaglio sonoro che batte i diffusori dal prezzo tre volte più alto, con caratteristiche uniche basate su DSP e

miglioramenti del flusso di lavoro software, davvero senza eguali.

5" ultralight coated paper mid-woofer

1.5" high output, low distortion chambered textile dome tweeter

Audiophile, custom-designed Class-D power amplifiers

135 W total RMS power

Max SPL, peak, pair, music, 1 m: 114.5 dBA

Complete DSP controlled system, 96 kHz sampling rate

46 Hz to 30 kHz frequency response +/- 1 dB

39 Hz low frequency extension @-4 dB

Phase response: Coherent, 0/+20° max from 150 Hz up

Phase rotation at 100Hz (with high pass filter off): 50° max

Directivity (Vertical - all voices): +/-50°

Directivity (Vertical - Wide Dispersion mode): +70°/-50°

Continuous, long term SPL free field, 1 m distance, one speaker, fullband pink noise: 98.5 dB(A)

Peak SPL free field, 1 m distance, one speaker, fullband pink noise: 104.5 dB(A)

Peak SPL, half space, 1 m distance, one speaker, fullband pink noise: 106.5 dB(A)

Maximum peak SPL, per pair, 1 m distance, music program: 114.5 dB(A)

Crossover frequency: 2.1 kHz

Crossover type: 8th order, linear phase

LF Power amp (short term): 110 W

HF Power amp (short term): 25 W

Power amps distortion at nominal power: 0.005%

Total latency or TOF: 2.5 ms

Adjustable additional delay: 0-10 ms

High pass filter: off, 35, 50, 65, 80 Hz

LF contour: from -10 to +6 dB

Desk contour: from -10 to 0 dB

Mid contour: from -4 to +4 dB

HF contour: from -6 to +6 dB

Sentitivity: -4 dBu / 88 dBSPL

Input gain trim: +/-5 dB

Unit to unit consistency: +/-0.5 dB

Operating temperature (non condensing): from 0 to 35 °C

Coherent time response across the audio spectrum

High performance vented design

Built-in ARC room calibration

X-MONITOR technology

Remote control for X-MONITOR voice selection and measurement process control

X-MONITOR macOS and Windows control software

Handcrafted in Italy

Dimension and weight

(H x W x D): 296 mm/11.65" x 177 mm/6.96" x 223 mm/9.17"

6.1 kg/13.4 lbs.

Package includes

1 x iLoud Precision 5 monitor

Power cord

ARC Microphone

ARC Microphone clamp

USB-B to USB-A 2.5 m/8.2 ft. cable

1 x kit of 4 iLoud Isolation Pods

No downloadable documents available. For more information, contact us at info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE