Electro Harmonix Valvola 12At7 Russia


Electro Harmonix Valvola 12At7 Russia

Cod: 12AT7EH

€28.00 Save 17%


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Electro Harmonix Valvola 12At7 Russia

Electro Harmonix 12AT7 (ECC81), preamp tube 

Electro-Harmonix is not only an effects pedal pioneer, but they are the world’s leading manufacturer of vacuum tubes, and their tubes are quite simply the absolute best. They design and manufacture tubes for high fidelity, reliability and warmth.

Next time you retube with EHX, you’ll be getting great sounding tubes at a very reasonable price.

Electro Harmonix, russian current production tubes

Electro Harmonix 12AT7 (ECC81), preamp tube

Electro-Harmonix is not only an effects pedal pioneer, but they are the world’s leading manufacturer of vacuum tubes, and their tubes are quite simply the absolute best. They design and manufacture tubes for high fidelity, reliability and warmth.

Next time you retube with EHX, you’ll be getting great sounding tubes at a very reasonable price.

Electro Harmonix, russian current production tubes

No downloadable documents available. For more information, contact us at info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE