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Cre8audio Capt'n Big-O


Cre8audio Capt'n Big-O

Cod: C83001006


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Cre8audio Capt'n Big-O

Cre8audio teamed up with the modular mavens at Pittsburgh Audio, who provided their acclaimed wave-folding technology as well as an original drive circuit design. As a result, Capt'n Big-O covers a vast sonic range, complete with frequency modulation, hard sync, and pulse width modulation for even more versatility. Featuring CV inputs for each parameter, plus individual audio outputs for sine, triangle, saw, and square waves, the Cre8audio Capt'n Big-O Eurorack combines creative patching potential with undeniably huge analog tone.

Width = 14hp

Depth = 26mm

100% analog, original design (not an oscillator on a chip)

Waveforms - sine, triangle, saw, and square

Wave folder/waveshaper - routed by default to sine but patchable to any waveform or external source

Drive circuit - essentially a 75x overdriven VCA (5V output)

Linear and exponential frequency modulation (FM)

Hard sync

Pulsewidth modulation

120mA power draw when running +12V rail

108mA power draw when running -12V rail

Frequency range of oscillator: full range - LFO through audible spectrum

Input voltage range of oscillator = -10V to +10V

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