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Audiodesign Adattatore Basso/Alto Livello a 2 canali


Audiodesign Adattatore Basso/Alto Livello a 2 canali



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Audiodesign Adattatore Basso/Alto Livello a 2 canali

The increasingly widespread use of amplifiers connected to the standard car radio

has given new impetus to the consumption of high/low level adapters that specialists

require more and more performance.

The new K 24 from Impact is peculiar not so much for its "pro" aspect but for its substance.

The main feature of this product is the special input circuit that "hears"

the presence of the signal coming from the car radio and generates the remote to turn on the amplifier:

ideal for speeding up installation or for interfacing with a standard radio

The increasingly widespread use of amplifiers connected to the standard car radio

has given new impetus to the consumption of high/low level adapters that specialists

require more and more performance.

The new K 24 from Impact is peculiar not so much for its "pro" aspect but for its substance.

The main feature of this product is the special input circuit that "hears"

the presence of the signal coming from the car radio and generates the remote to turn on the amplifier:

ideal for speeding up installation or for interfacing with a standard radio

No downloadable documents available. For more information, contact us at

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE