Yamaha Sc01 Session Cake Rosso Mixer Personale


Yamaha Sc01 Session Cake Rosso Mixer Personale

Cod: GSC01


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Siamo musicisti e siamo a vostra disposizione, contattaci!

Getting the band together or even practicing by yourself isn’t always easy. Conflicting schedules, space restrictions, and perhaps most importantly, not bothering your family and neighbors, are just a few of the factors that can hijack a jam session. SesssionCake is the affordable, ultra-portable, and flexible solution for aspiring musicians who don’t have the time, the money, or an appropriate space to really cut loose when they practice alone or jam with friends. Connect an iOS device as an effector or to play along with your favorite tunes, or link together up to eight units for a full-blown jam session with your friends or bandmates. No money, no time, no space? No problem—SessionCake has got you covered.

SC-01 SC-02
Controller/Switch Power ON/OFF, MUTE DIRECT, PHONES, INPUT, PAN, Me Power ON/OFF, MUTE DIRECT, PHONES, INPUT, PAN, Me, GAIN (MIC) (for dynamic mic only)
Connections INPUT (standard phone,Hi-Z), PHONES, CHAIN x 2 (Stereo mini), AUX (4-pole mini) INPUT L/Mono, INPUT R (standard phone, Hi-Z), MIC INPUT (XLR), PHONES, CHAIN x 2 (Stereo mini), AUX (4-pole mini)
Power Source Battery AA alkaline or nickel-metal hydride rechargeable batteries x 2 (sold separately) AA alkaline or nickel-metal hydride rechargeable batteries x 2 (sold separately)
Dimensions Width 103mm 103mm
Height 42mm 42mm
Depth 103mm 103mm
Peso Peso 235g (8oz.) without batteries 252g (9oz.) without batteries
Accessories 4-pole mini cable (1), Owner’s Manual, Precautions 4-pole mini cable (1), Owner’s Manual, Precautions

Nessun documento scaricabile. Per maggiori informazioni contattaci a info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE