Xvive 18V 500Ma Alimentatore 18V

Alimentatori Singoli per Effetti

Xvive 18V 500Ma Alimentatore 18V

Cod: XVI18V500MA00


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The X-VIVE B2 is an 18V power supply for Dunlop effects pedals. It features 18 volts of DC current AT 500MA with a negative center. The B2 provides the correct power supply for Dunlop's older Crybaby Multi-wah, SW-95 Slash Wah, DD11 Dime Distortion, M108 10-band EQ, KFK1 10-band EQ, M134 Chorus, M117R Flanger, EVH 117 Flanger, and M181 Bass Blowtorch. It is also compatible with any pedal needing an 18vdc power supply. Dunlop ECB-004 18V Power Supply Features: * 18V Power Supply * 18VDC @ 500mA 5% regulated * 2.1 mm x 5.5 mm + Barrel negative center he X-VIVE B2 is an 18V power supply for Dunlop effects pedals. It features 18 volts of DC current AT 500MA with a negative center. The B2 provides the correct power supply for Dunlop's older Crybaby Multi-wah, SW-95 Slash Wah, DD11 Dime Distortion, M108 10-band EQ, KFK1 10-band EQ, M134 Chorus, M117R Flanger, EVH 117 Flanger, and M181 Bass Blowtorch. It is also compatible with any pedal needing an 18vdc power supply. Dunlop ECB-004 18V Power Supply Features: * 18V Power Supply * 18VDC @ 500mA 5% regulated * 2.1 mm x 5.5 mm + Barrel negative center isual sound 18v500ma alimentatore 18v

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE