Tonepros T1Zs-G Attaccacorde

Accessori per Chitarre E Bassi

Tonepros T1Zs-G Attaccacorde

Cod: 320053


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Tonepros t1zs-g attaccacorde This is a brand new Tone Pros T1ZS locking tailpiece in gold, sealed in its retail package.  The studs are 5/16"-24 US threads, for Gibson electrics and other US stop tailpieces.  The tailpiece, however, will fit any stop bar tailpiece with a 3 1/4" stud spacing if you reuse your existing studs. This stop tailpiece ups the ante by locking the tailpiece to the posts via two small set screws on the sides of the tailpiece.  This design is their best , the tailpiece height is very easy to adjust prior to locking.    Sure, one benefit is the tailpiece won't fall off when you change strings. Yahoo. But the big payoff is the tailpiece now couples to the body perfectly, no matter if you screw the tailpiece all the way down or keep it up.  The tailpiece is now perfectly rigid, and the difference in tone is great - better harmonics, more sustain, livelier.    Once you try Tone Pros hardware,  you're hooked - I've got them on all my guitars - solidbodies, hollowbodies, bridge/tailpiece combos, wrap arounds, whatever. Never disappointed. People spend all kinds of money on pickups and electronics, try a couple of bucks on the string path and listen to the difference. You won't be disappointed, either.

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE