Tama Mha823 Attacco A U per Hi-Hat

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Tama Mha823 Attacco A U per Hi-Hat

Cod: MHA823


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Tama Mha823 Attacco A U per Hi-Hat

attacco HiHat flessibile con sfera omnidirezionale

serve per assicurare l'asta hit-hat alla grancassa

The newly designed hi-hat attachment (MHA823) allows for better positioning of a hi-hat stand while using a double bass drum set-up.

By connecting the MHA823 to the bass drum hoop, the hi-hat stand can be held upright without opening the hi-hat stand's legs.

By utilizing TAMA Omni-Ball system, the clamp is now infinitely adjustable to any angle and enables even greater set-up flexibility.

As well, rubber cushions are equipped to protect bass drum hoop from becoming damaged.

The clamp is attachable to any hi-hat stand with a pipe diameter of 15.9 - 28.6mm by using the FastClamp Easy Set-Up System.

indicato per: Connessione hi-hat Bassdrum

Materiale: Acciaio, zinco pressofuso, gomma, plastica

Colore: Chrome / Grigio

Forma: Tama-Style

Particolarità: Con snodo Omni-Ball

Nessun documento scaricabile. Per maggiori informazioni contattaci a info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE