Tama Drum Bag Set 7Pc Standard

Borse e Custodie per Batterie e Percussioni

Tama Drum Bag Set 7Pc Standard

Cod: DSS72S


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The TAMA Standard Drum Bag Set features bags with 10mm of inner cushion and 600 denier waterproof surfaces, which securely protect your drums during transport. The bags are also equipped with a comfortable carrying strap for easy portability. There are various pre-configured sets available, to cater to different setups. While the bags do feature our iconic red zipper and simple "T" logo, they work great for any other drum brands' products as well.


Description 18"x22" BD

7"x8" TT

8"x10" TT

9"x12" TT

14"x14" FT

16"x16" FT

6.5"x14" SD

Nessun documento scaricabile. Per maggiori informazioni contattaci a info@yourmusiconline.it


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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE