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Revv D20 Testata Amp Head

Cod: REVD20

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The D20 is the world’s first Two notes Torpedo-Embedded amplifier. This all-tube head has an optional reactive load for organic feel & tone when playing without a cab & hosts virtual cabinets onboard for direct recording, silent playing, & live performance without a microphone.

We set out to build an amp that not only has this new modern featureset but sounds incredible on its own as a standalone amplifier. The result is something convenient & great sounding at the lowest price point Revv has ever had. 

Inspiring Clean & Crunch tones developed with Nashville sessions guitarists

Perfect platform for your favorite gain pedals

3-band EQ + Volume & Gain controls

Push/Pull gain pot for 2nd crunchier voicing

Switchable from 20 to 4 watts

2 6v6 – 2 12ax7

Buffered Series FX Loop

Switchable 4/8 Ohm speaker jack

Embedded Two notes Reactive Load & Virtual Cabinets

Go direct to Front of House, interface, or headphones – without a cabinet.

Hundreds of virtual mics, speakers, cabinets, EQ, reverb, & more available.

XLR Balanced Direct Output, USB, & Ground Lift for Torpedo Embedded

6 Pre-Loaded Virtual Cabinets selectable via front knob – all customizable. Or up to 128 via MIDI.

100ms Virtual Cabinet length

“Pre & Post” switch selects whether (in reactive load direct mode only) the power amp is in the signal chain. This is so you can take advantage of Two notes’ power amp simulation & dramatically change the character of the D20 with virtual tubes such as EL84, if you like.

Reactive Load automatically engages when speaker is not detected to preserve amp

Select Between Internal & Speaker Load

Level-Adjustable Headphone Out

Small, Light, & Durable

6.3125″x7.5″x12.3125″ including knobs, not including handle

High Quality Transformers

Easily Accessible Rear-Bias Test

Easily Accessible Fuse

Durable, Lightweight Aluminum Enclosure

Weighs ~9lbs

LED-Illuminated Badge

1 Year Warranty

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE