Dv Mark Ac 101

Amplificatori per Chitarra Acustica

Dv Mark Ac 101

Cod: DVC125007Z


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The DV AC101 (updated version of the Markacoustic AC101) is a compact, powerful combo designed for all acoustic instruments including acoustic guitar, classical guitar, archtop guitar, acoustic bass, mandolin, violin, cello, banjo, etc. The two channels (one of which accepts a mic input) allow to use two pickups, two instruments, or an instrument and a microphone! It includes 48V phantom power, feedback control and phase reverse, adding a new hi-performance compression driver, pre/post EQ switch for the XLR DI, FX send/return, tuner out and a next generation of digital reverb and chorus that are sweet-sounding, warm and natural. The DV AC 101 is manufactured to be sold and used in the country of purchase, and it is factory preset to that country’s voltage. Due to homologation issues, the voltage may not be changed.INPUTS CHANNEL 1: Impedance 500 Kohm/ Maximum Vpp: 10CHANNEL 2: Impedance 500 Kohm/ Maximum Vpp: 10BALANCED CH2: Impedance 500 Kohm/ Maximum Vpp: 20RETURN: unbalanced, Impedance 33 Kohm// Max 10Vpp CONTROLS CH1 GAIN: -45dB ¸28 dB EFFECT MIX (onboard effect only)EQUALIZERLOW: Level ±16 dB (40 Hz)MID: Level ±16 dB (600Hz)HIGH: Level ±16 dB min (6 KHz) CONTROLS CH2GAIN: -43dB ¸ 26 dB PHANTOM: 48VDCEFFECT MIX (onboard effect only)EQUALIZER VPF: Center Frequency (380 Hz)LOW: Level ±16 dB (60 Hz)HIGH: Level ±16 dB min at (5 KHz) OTHER CONTROLS PHASE: 0°, 180° ANTIFEEDBACK: 20Hz (off), 400 Hz OUTPUTSSEND: unbalanced, Max Voltage 20Vpp (Pre Equalization)TUNER OUT: unbalanced, Max Voltage 2VppLINE OUT XLR DI: balanced, Max Output: 20 Vpp SPEAKER: 1x10"TWEETER: new 1" HF hi-performance compression driver with custom hornBASS PORT: rearIMPEDANCE: 8 ohmsSENSITIVITY: 101 dB SPLSPEAKER POWER HANDLING: 200W RMS (AES Standard)AMP OUTPUT POWER: (analog) 250W @ 4 ohm / 150W @ 8 ohmFREQUENCY RESPONSE: 45 Hz to 20 kHzCROSSOVER FREQUENCY: 3.5 kHz ON

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE