Old Blood Noise Endeavors Expression Ramper

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Old Blood Noise Endeavors Expression Ramper



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Old Blood Noise Endeavors Expression Ramper

La semplicità è al cuore dell'innovazione. È esattamente ciò che offre il dispositivo Expression Ramper di Old Blood Noise Endeavors: un modo semplicissimo ma altamente innovativo per automatizzare il controllo dell'espressione, permettendoti di evocare suoni che mai avresti ritenuto possibile ottenere da qualsiasi pedale dotato di ingresso per pedale d’espressione.

Triangle, square, and one-shot shapes for movement between A and B expression settings

Rate control to set the speed of movement

Footswitch activated motion to create modulated effects on the fly or ramp between two presets

Configurable output for TRS, TRS reverse polarity, or TS expression inputs

LED to indicate which setting is currently active

Requires 9V 2.1mm negative center-pin power adapter (not included).

mA Draw: 10

NOTE: Expression Ramper is initially configured for TRS active at Tip for compatibility with Old Blood devices, but can be configured for TRS active at Tip, TRS active at Ring, and TS using the internal jumpers. By default, it ships with a 50K digital potentiometer. This potentiometer is socketed and can be replaced with 10K and 100K values if needed (part code MCP41010-I/P and part code MCP41100-I/P respectively).

Nessun documento scaricabile. Per maggiori informazioni contattaci a info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE