Morley Ac-1 Accu Tuner

Accordatori e Metronomi

Morley Ac-1 Accu Tuner

Cod: 0953


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Morley Ac-1 Accu Tuner

- Accordatore Strobo e Cromatico a pedale in formato stompbox

- Memorizza lʼultima impostazione di accordatura anche dopo lo spegnimento

- Funzione di calibrazione

- Doppia uscita

- Indicatori e display a LED

- Alimentazione con batteria da 9V o alimentatore (non incluso)

- Dimensioni: 159 x 105 x 48mm

-  A combination Strobe and Chromatic tuner in a stomp box format.

- Tuner remembers last tuner mode and stays there until switched. Dual outputs allow for through and mute capabilities. Also equipped with calibration and choose note features and sports the largest segment LED display on a floor tuner.

-Dual outputs for through and mute

- Powers from optional Morley adapter or one 9 Volt battery.

- Dimensions: 4.75"(L)x3.75"(W)x2.5"(H)

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE