La Bella Muta Per Basso Elettrico 760Nhbb 50-100

Corde per Basso

La Bella Muta Per Basso Elettrico 760Nhbb 50-100

Cod: 760NHBB


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La Bella Muta Per Basso Elettrico 760Nhbb 50-100

- muta di corde per basso elettrico scala ridotta, in nylon avvolgimento con nastro di colore nero

- Gauge: 050 - .065 - .080 - .100

Our "Beatle" Bass set is made up of special lengths and gauges. Each handmade string is calibrated to fit the three different bridge types made by Hofner.

Black Nylon Tape Wound

Warm and vintage tone, excellent sustain and longevity

Fits Hofner "Beatle" basses and similar models that require 34" distance from ball-end to silk

String Gauges: .050, .065, .080, .100

Packaged using MAP Technology (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) to prevent tarnishing and ensure freshness

Please do not use this set to replace any of our medium scale bass sets as they will not fit medium scale basses due to the string construction. La Bella makes medium scale bass sets for all of our bass strings.

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE