Kluson Meccaniche Tpkr3-N

Parti e Ricambi per Chitarra e Basso

Kluson Meccaniche Tpkr3-N

Cod: 311003


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TonePros® under license from Kluson® has successfully combined the classic styling of the original Kluson® 3 + 3 plate-mounted design with the modern cutting edge functionality that TonePros® is known for. Utilizing the same footprint and mounting screw pattern, TonePros® offers you several different options to either retrofit your vintage instrument with little to no modification or upgrade your modern instrument. These replacements are a quick fix to your vintage guitar, reissue, or any other guitar that has the vintage sized holes. 15:1 ratio, die-cast 3 + 3 plate-mounted set of tuning machines with a push-in bushing and a white plastic oval butterbean button. This requires a 8.8mm peghole for the string post sleeve located on the back of the die-cast housing and the push-in bushing.Die-cast housing15:1 gear ratioBushing dimensions = 6.15mm I.D / 8.5mm O.D. String Post length = 1 1/8 in.String Post Width = 6mmButton Color = white oval butterbean shapeUtilizes same mounting screw hole locations as Vintage Kluson® 3 + 3 plate-mounted tuners.

Al momento non ci sono specifiche.

Nessun documento scaricabile. Per maggiori informazioni contattaci a info@yourmusiconline.it

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE