
Ibanez PM3C Black Low Gloss


€1,550.00 Risparmia il 3%


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Ibanez PM3C Black Low Gloss

La Ibanez PM3C-BKL è una chitarra semiacustica signature di Pat Metheny con un elegante finitura Black Low Gloss. Questa chitarra è rinomata per la sua semplicità elegante e la precisione artigianale, rendendola ideale per il jazz.

While scores of jazz fusion phenoms have ditched the old-school archtop standard for more ergonomic and esoteric designs, Pat Metheny’s dedication to the full-hollowbody guitar has never wavered. Why? To put it simply, hollowbody archtop instruments like the PM3C simply have a sound you can’t get anywhere else. Even plugged in, the PM3C’s impressive acoustic qualities shine through, imbuing everything from bog-standard comping duties to colorful, effect-laden lead lines with a lively and dynamic response. Plus, Sweetwater’s hollowbody adherents never fail to mention that the natural volume and projection of an archtop make it just about the perfect unplugged practice guitar!

Manico PM 3 pezzi Nyatoh/acero set-in

22 tasti

Top in abete/fondo e fasce in acero

Tastiera in ebano rilegato con intarsi in acrilico PM3C

Tasti medi con trattamento Artstar sui bordi dei tasti

Capotasto in osso

Spessore massimo del corpo: 3 3/4"

Larghezza nella parte inferiore: 15 3/4"

Pickup al manico PM special (S)

Ponte Gibraltar Performer

Cordiera VT200

Hardware Titan Gold

Custodia rigida inclusa

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE