Amplificatori Mini per Chitarra e Basso

Fender Mini 57 Twin Amp

Cod: 0234811000


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Fender Mini 57 Twin Amp

The Mini '57 Twin-Amp™ captures the vibe of '50s era Fender®. For the player who can't afford a real or reissue tweed amp, this lets them buy their piece of Fender history!

One-watt single-channel amplifier

Genuine vintage styling, including tweed covering and leather handle

Dual 2" speakers

Dedicated tone, volume and gain controls

Built-in distortion

1/4" headphone jack and 9V adapter jack

Nome modello Mini '57 Twin-Amp™, Tweed

Modello 0234811000

Country Of Origin CN

Dimensioni 7.62x20.32x22.86 CM

Peso 0.91 KG

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE