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Zoom H2N Registratore Digitale Palmare 4 Tracce Interfaccia Usb

Cod: 9551308556025


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Zoom H2N

Registratore Digitale Palmare 4 Tracce Interfaccia Usb

Registrazione simultanea di 2 tracce Stereo a 44.1/48/96kHz a 16/24 bit o mp3 (Bit Rate : 48 to 320kbps) - tecnologia di ripresa MS stereo (mid-side) e 90 X/Y stereo - Funzioni: Lo-cut Filter, Compressor/Limiter, Auto Gain, Pre-Rec, Auto-Rec, Tuner, Metronomo, Riproduzione con velocit variabile, Key Control, Ripetizione A-B, File Dividing, Normalize, Marker, Surround Mixer - LCD retroilluminato 128 x 64pixel - ingresso Mic/Line input minijack 3.5mm stereo - uscita Line/cuffie: miniJack stereo 3.5mm - utilizzabile come microfono USB - supporta schede SD/SDHC fino a 32GB - alimentazione: 2x batterie AA (incluse), software Wavelab LE - kit accessori APH-2n opzionale - Per maggiori informazioni: - Driver e Firmware:

Five built-in microphones and four recording modes: Mid-Side (MS) stereo, 90° X/Y stereo, and both 2-channel and 4-channel surround

Analog-type input gain control

Auto Gain provides three preset recording levels

Stereo ⅛" Mic/Line In mini phone jack with Plug-in power (2.5V)

Stereo ⅛" Phone/Line Output jack with dedicated volume control

Built-in reference speaker for fast monitoring

Large 1.8 inch backlit LCD display

Records directly to SD and SDHC cards up to 32 GB

Supports up to 24-bit/96 kHz audio in BWF-compliant WAV or a variety of MP3 formats

Auto-record and Pre-record features

WAV to MP3 conversion

Internal mixdown: four-track surround to stereo

Up to 99 marks per recording

Built-in effects, including compression/limiting and low-cut filtering

Onboard MS decoding

Normalize and Divide functions

Chromatic tuner and metronome

Loop playback with user-defined start and stop points

Variable playback speed, from 50% to 150% for phrase training

Variable pitch without affecting playback speed

USB port for data exchange to and from computer and use as a USB microphone

4-in/2-out USB audio interface for PC/Mac computers

SD card reader function

Data recovery function automatically saves data if power fails or card is removed

Mounts directly to tripod or DSLR

Runs on only 2 standard AA alkaline or NiMH rechargeable batteries, or AC adapter (AD-17, USB to AC type)

Over 20 hours of operation with 2 AA alkaline batteries




BUILT-IN MEMORY: Up to 1 minute in 96kbps MP3 format

(Recording overwrites any previous recording in memory)

MIC ARRANGEMENTS: 90˚ X/Y stereo, MS stereo with adjustable side mic level


MICROPHONE TYPES: Directional (XY, MS mid mics)

Bidirectional (MS side mic)

MAXIMUM SOUND PRESSURE INPUT: 120 dB spl (directional)

122 dB spl (bi-directional)


STEREO UNCOMPRESSED PCM: 44.1 / 48 / 96kHz, 16 / 24bit WAV (BWF)


56 /64/80/96/112/128/160/192/ 224/256/320kbps

(Not compatible with MS-RAW recording)



4CH UNCOMPRESSED PCM: 44.1 / 48 / 96kHz, 16 / 24bit WAV (BWF)

(Two stereo files for each recording)


A/D CONVERSION: 24-bit 128× oversampling

D/A CONVERSION: 24-bit 128× oversampling


RECORDING TIME (2GB CARD): 3:08:00 (44.1kHz/16bit WAV), 34:43:00 (128kbps MP3)


LO CUT: 80Hz high-pass filter

COMP/LIMITER: 3 types of compressors and 3 types of limiters

AUTO GAIN: Automatic input gain adjustment (3 levels)

PRE REC: 2 seconds of pre-recording

AUTO REC: Automatic recording start/stop, continuous standby

TUNER: Chromatic, guitar, bass and alternate (A/E/G/D/DADGAD) tunings with automatic string detection

METRONOME: 40–250 BPM range, five tones, pre-count

SPEED: Playback speed adjustable between 50–150%

KEY CONTROL: Playback pitch adjustable ±6 semitones

(Cannot be used with 96kHz files)

AB REPEAT: Repeats playback between selected points in a file

FILE DIVIDE: Divides a file into two

FILE NORMALIZE: Maximizes file volume

(Cannot be used with MP3s)

FILE MP3 ENCODE: Converts WAV files to MP3 formats at fixed bit rates

MARK: Up to 99 marks

(WAV files only)

SURROUND MIXER: Adjusts mix balance when playing back 4ch surround recordings


DISPLAY GRAPHIC: 128×64 pixels backlit LCD

INPUT GAIN: 0 to +39 dB

INPUT JACK: Line/mic stereo mini jack with plug-in power

2 kΩ impedance at input levels of 0 to –39 dBm

OUTPUT JACK: Line/headphone stereo mini jack

RATED OUTPUT LEVEL: −10 dBm (output impedance 10 kΩ or more)

HEADPHONES: 20 mW + 20 mW (into 32 Ω load)

BUILT-IN SPEAKER: 400mW, 8Ω, mono

USB: Mini-B type

Card reader operation

USB 2.0 HIGH SPEED: Audio interface operation

USB 1.0 FULL SPEED: Supports 44.1 / 48kHz sampling rates and 16-bit rate

USB bus power operation supported

POWER: Two AA batteries, AD-17 USB to AC adapter (DC 5V 1A)

Continuous operation of 20 or more hours when recording 44.1kHz/16-bit WAV files using alkaline batteries

PHYSICAL FEATURES: Tripod mounting socket, strap attachment

DIMENSIONS: 67.6mm (W) × 113.85mm (H) × 42.7mm (D)

WEIGHT: 130 g (without batteries)

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE