Shure BETA87A Microfono voce condensatore supercardioide

Microfoni A Condensatore

Shure BETA87A Microfono voce condensatore supercardioide

Cod: 19400068


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Shure BETA 87A è un microfono "a gelato" per voce, con trasduttore a condensatore dalla ripresa supercardioide, con una risposta in frequenza fedele, capace di sopportare pressioni sonore elevate. Un roll-off che attenua le basse frequenze compensa l'effetto di prossimità. Necessita di alimentazione phantom. Include: supporto per asta A25D e astuccio per il trasporto.

Supercardioid condenser vocal microphone is precision-engineered to deliver an exceptionally smooth frequency response in a supercardiod condenser design. 

Frequency Response 50 to 20,000 Hz

Output Impedance EIA rated at150 Ω(100 Ωactual)

Sensitivity at 1kHz,open circuit voltage, -52.5 dBV/Pa(2 mV)[1]

Maximum SPL 1 kHz at 1% THD,1 kΩ load, 140.5 dB

Signal-to-Noise Ratio Ref. 94 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 70.5 dB[2]

Dynamic Range at 1kHz,1 kΩ load, 117 dB

Clipping Level 1 kHz at 0.25% THD,1 kΩ load, -6 dBV (0.5 V)

Self Noise typical,equivalent SPL, A-weighted, 23.5 dB

Polarity Positive pressure on diaphragm produces positive voltage on pin 2 with respect to pin 3

Connector Three-pin professional audio (XLR), male, balanced

Housing Aluminum construction with painted blue metallic finish, and hardened steel grille with nickel satin chrome plating

Power Requirements 11 to 52 V DCphantom power (1.2 mA)

Weight Net 0.207 kg(0.475 lbs)

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                            MADE BY NOONIC WITH...THE FORCE